Sunday, December 13, 2009

Starting Again!

Hello everyone!

Many of you know I used to blog to commemorate my time in hygiene school and keep my family and friends up-to-date! I stopped blogging and I realized today that I need to take the time everyday to sit down and recall my blessing that the Lord has given me. Oddly enough, blogging is a great way to tell your story and recall those blessings, all at the same time. So here I am!

I just completed my 1st semester of my senior year of college. It's really surreal to me still. I have said to a few people, it's weird to know you are in this moment in your life that you have dreamed about from the moment you began your freshman year. You are living your dream and you are about to be where you have always wondered you would be in "10 years." God is so good and I am so blessed to be where I am at this moment in my life.

I am on my last big break before I enter the "big girl world" and never get a break like this again. I am enjoying it greatly and I have only been out for a couple days!

It's hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner! It came so fast this year. My dad got an awesome camera and I have been taking picture of Mollie and Christmas decorations. I took pictures of my Grandma's and my Uncle Jay's ornament. I realized how much I miss the both of them! Holidays are so hard without people that used to be apart of your life! But the thing is, they are. They live in things like the ornaments we have on our tree that were especially made from them, memories from traditions in the past and in your heart when you are surrounded by family. It just our choice to still make those things important to us. I wondered today what my Grandma would think about me and what I'm doing with my life. I think she'd be proud! That makes me happy!

Blessing for the day: Remembering how important it is to recall the blessings you receive!

Until next time!
Live. Laugh. Love.


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